Location:United Kingdom

About Xxshanascarletxx: Older bro: Okay I want to know! What the hell happend I want answers people! ~~Everything below here was posted by Shana~~

~~ Shana 『シャナ』 ~~
The.. Flame haze
Nietono no "Shana" 『 Flame Haze 』

"No... Then... I'm not... The person I was before... wasn't me."
"Urusai! Urusai! Urusai!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"


I'm a Flame Haze, contracted under Alastor to hunt Guze no Tomogara and ferry Torches out of existance, often assuming their identities to investigate Tomogara activity to keep humans in the surrounding area safe.